Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

Got some new Chirstmas pictures! My heart breaks and I want them here for the holidays so bad when I look at these pictures. We got an update on them and heard what they will be doing for Christmas. Sounds like they will have so much fun and activities that they won't have time to think about where they are. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!! I love you all!


Monday, December 10, 2007

Onto Parquet


Sivencia Jiovenda

Finally!!! Our paperwork is out of IBESR and onto Parquet. Traditionally Parquet takes about 2-3 months, but we know some people that have been in there since April. We are praying that we are not one of those. Parquet has not been processing dossiers with people that have biological children, we are unsure why because that is IBESR's decision to make. So, although we are happy that our paperwork has moved on, we are also nervous about it being in Parquet. Well, like we always say, it is in God's hands and He will get us the girls in His perfect timing. Anyway if everything goes smoothly the girls will be home sometime this summer, but we all know how that goes! Please keep us in your prayers and pray for the people working in Parquet that God will soften their hearts for these children and want to get them all home as quickly as possible!