Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Running...(kind of)

She'll be coming round the mountain...
Tae Kwon Do
I think I can....almost there....

Still no word on the girls' visas, been about 3 weeks since the last piece of paper went in. We have no idea what the hold up is currently. We have contacted our US Representative for some assistance (because he has nothing else going on right now, economy, re-election...). He has agreed to contact the US Embassy in Haiti to see what the hold up is, no word yet though.

On another note, I completed my first (and maybe my last) 5K this past weekend. I am very proud of myself and although I was definitely not the fastest (no all of the 65+ group was faster then me), my goal was to run the entire way without stopping and I did (more like a slow jog, but I like to call it running). Of course it was the coldest morning we have had thus far, 34 degrees and lots of frost. I'm sure I could have run much faster if it wasn't so cold....maybe.... Enjoy the pics. Oh, Walker ran a 1/4 of a mile, screaming the whole way, because Daddy was mean (his words). Brian wouldn't let him catch up (really, every time Brian slowed down, Walker would start walking, so Brian kept running). I think the screaming had something to do with the cold temps and running at 8 in the morning. That is why I was screaming anyway. Ahhh, family fun! Whose idea was this anyway? The donuts were great afterwards...shh, don't tell anyone!

Walker and I are still loyal Yankee fans, even after a not so good year this year. That's okay, next year in a new stadium will be the trick. We are cheering for Joe Torre, our former leader, go Dodgers!

Also, some pictures of the boys at Tae Kwon Do!


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